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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe? Everything You Need to Know

By Pearl Dental

Visiting a dentist can be nerve-wracking for many people. The environment inside the dentist’s office, the tools nearby, and all the freaky-looking machines often cause dental anxiety. Dental anxiety keeps many people from getting essential dental care. Thus, the onset of severe dental problems is usually overlooked and only becomes noticeable when the situation gets out of hand. 

You can fix the situation by scheduling a visit to a sedation dentist. If you wonder how safe sedation dentistry is, a dental professional can guide you. Sedation dentistry helps patients stay calm during dental procedures. But many worry about its safety. Stick to this blog to uncover the risks and benefits of sedation dentistry and make an informed decision.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a branch of dental wellness in which dentists prepare anxious patients for upcoming oral treatments. Dental professionals use medication to help patients relax during oral therapies. The medicines calm down the patients and help them battle their dental phobia. Dental sedation can also help one manage a low pain threshold or sensitive teeth. No matter what one struggles with before a dentist visit, sedation levels can be managed according to the situation. 

  • Minimal Sedation –  If patients have a severe fear of dentists, it’s prescribed. It keeps patients awake but calm during dental checkups.
  • Moderate Sedation: If the patient undergoes a minor oral treatment, moderate sedation helps the memory of the procedure fade.
  • Deep Sedation – It keeps patients conscious, and awakening doesn’t take long.
  • General Anesthesia – It is administered by a dentist when a patient undergoes an extensive oral procedure. It keeps the patient utterly unconscious until its effects wear off.

How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry?

The safety of sedation dentistry depends on the patient’s health, the type of sedation used, and the dentist’s professional expertise. Standard safety measures a sedation dentist takes into account are:

  • Pre-sedation Evaluation – The dentist reviews the patient’s medical history and current medications.
  • Monitoring During the Procedure – The dentist monitors the patient’s heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure.
  • Proper Dosing – The sedation dentist administers the correct sedation dose based on the patient’s weight and age.

Who Can Get Sedation Dentistry?

While most healthy adults qualify for sedation dentistry, pregnant ladies, obese people, patients with heart or respiratory issues, and patients who intake allergy medications are often excluded from the list of patients safe to take sedatives. 

Common Types of Sedation and Their Safety Levels

Several sedation methods offer varying levels of safety:

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) – It acts fast and wears off quickly. 
  • Oral Sedation – Its effects last longer.
  • IV Sedation – It relaxes the patient longer but requires monitoring.
  • General Anesthesia – Patients who undergo complex dental procedures require this to stay still and feel no pain during the treatment. 

How to Prepare for a Sedation Dental Procedure?

Safety tips to follow before you go to visit a sedation dentist: 

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective solution for patients with dental anxiety. If unsure how safe sedation dentistry is, discuss your options with a sedation dentist.

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